Discovery II
Coolant pump
1 Pulley flange
2 Body
3 Impeller
4 Gallery
5 Inlet connection
The coolant pump is attached to the front of the cylinder block with nine bolts and sealed between the pump housing
and the cylinder block with a gasket. The pump comprises a shaft which passes through an alloy housing. The outer
end of the shaft has a flange which allows for the attachment of the pump drive pulley which is secured with three
bolts. The drive pulley is driven by the grooved auxiliary drive belt and rotates at the same speed as the crankshaft.
The inner end of the shaft is fitted with an impeller which draws coolant from the thermostat housing and circulates it
through the galleries in the cylinder block and through the heater matrix.
The shaft is supported on bearings in the housing which are packed with grease and sealed for life. A seal is
positioned in the housing to further protect the bearings from the ingress of coolant. The seal is manufactured from a
synthetic material which will allow for expansion of the casing when hot coolant is present.
The cast alloy housing has a hose connection which provides the attachment for the coolant pump feed hose. The
cast housing connects with galleries in the cylinder block and distributes coolant from the pump impeller into the
galleries and water jackets.