Discovery II
Synchroniser - gearbox - set
$% 37.20.07
1. Remove gearbox selector fork set.
OVERHAUL, Fork - set - selector shaft.
2. Using tool LRT-99-002 and support bars
under 1st gear, press output shaft bearing from
output shaft.
3. Remove 1st gear, bearing collar, needle roller
bearing and synchromesh rings.
4. Noting its fitted position, remove 1st / 2nd gear
synchroniser hub, 2nd gear synchromesh
rings, 2nd gear and needle roller bearing.
5. Using tool LRT-99-002 and support bars under
3rd gear, press off output shaft pilot bearing.
6. Remove spacer, 3rd / 4th gear synchroniser
hub, synchromesh baulk rings, 3rd gear and
needle roller bearing.
7. Remove output shaft.
1. Clean output shaft, synchroniser hubs, gears
and bearings.
2. Position output shaft in protected vice jaws,
output end upwards.
3. Fit 2nd gear bearing, 2nd gear and
synchromesh baulk rings onto output shaft.
4. Position 1st / 2nd synchroniser hub onto output
shaft. Ensure that baulk rings are correctly
located in hub.
5. Position 1st gear synchromesh baulk rings,
needle roller bearing, 1st gear and bearing
collar onto output shaft. Ensure baulk rings are
correctly located in hub.
6. Remove output shaft from vice.