Discovery II
42. Fit adjusting nuts, tighten crown wheel side nut
to 22 Nm (16 lbf.ft). Ensure opposing nut is
43. Position DTI to check crown wheel backlash.
Adjust opposing nut to obtain correct crown
wheel backlash.
44. Rotate pinion in both directions to settle
45. Measure in 3 places to obtain correct crown
wheel backlash.
NOTE: Crown wheel backlash should be within
0.076 mm - 0.177 mm (0.003' - 0.007').
46. Align adjusting nuts to next roll pin slot, do not
loosen nuts to align slots.
47. Tighten bearing cap bolts to 90 Nm (66.5 lbf.ft).
48. Secure adjusting nuts with new roll pins.
49. Apply Prussian Blue to crown wheel teeth to
check tooth contact.
50. Rotate pinion several times to obtain full tooth
51. A = Normal pattern, the drive pattern should be
centred on the gear teeth. The coast pattern
should be centred on the gear teeth but may be
towards the toe. There should be some
clearance between the pattern and the top of
the gear teeth.
52. B = Backlash correct, thinner pinion shim
53. C = Backlash correct, thicker pinion shim
54. D = Pinion shim correct, decrease backlash.
55. E = Pinion shim correct, increase backlash.
56. Note assembly Torque to Turn when checking
tooth contact. Total Torque to Turn should not
exceed 10.85 Nm (8 lbf.ft).
1. Fit differential assembly.