Discovery II
76-5-28 REPAIRS
Cover - squab - front seat
$% 78.90.08/81
1. Remove front seat.
2. Place seat on a suitable work bench.
3. Tighten arm rest adjuster fully clockwise and
remove screw cover.
4. Remove screw securing arm rest to seat and
remove arm rest.
5. Remove 2 screws securing outer edge trim
casing to seat frame.
6. Remove trim casing.
7. Release inner edge of trim casing from seat
8. Remove trim casing.
9. Position seat upside down on table.
10. Release clip securing lower edge of squab
cover to seat frame.
11. Remove 2 clips securing either end of cover to
squab frame.
12. Position seat in upright position.
13. Raise headrest to maximum height.
14. Turn both guides through 90
15. Remove headrest from seat.
16. Remove screws securing grab handles to seat
frame and remove grab handles.