300Tdi Discovery
CAUTION: Never use the camshaft gears,
gear retaining bolts or timing belt to rotate
7. Fit tool LRT-12-058 to lock flywheel.
8. Position tool LRT-12-060 to lock camshaft gears.
9. Loosen camshaft belt tensioner pulley bolt.
10. Move tensioner to release timing belt tension.
11. Retighten tensioner pulley bolt.
12. Remove 4 bolts securing crankshaft pulley to
crankshaft timing gear.
13. Fit tool LRT-12-059 to crankshaft pulley, fit 2
pulley bolts to retain tool.
14. Restrain crankshaft pulley using tool LRT-12-059
and remove crankshaft pulley bolt.
15. Remove bolts securing tool LRT-12-059, remove
crankshaft pulley.
16. Remove timing belt lower cover.
17. If timing belt is to be refitted, mark direction of
rotation of belt.
18. Remove timing belt.