Range Rover P38
EVAP canister
1. EVAP canister
2. Port to breather tube (CVS unit on NAS vehicles)
3. Port - vent line from fuel tank
4. Port - purge line
The EVAP canister is mounted on a bracket which is
fitted beneath the vehicle on the RH side of the
chassis. The ports of the EVAP canister face towards
the rear of the vehicle. Each EVAP canister port has a
moulded inscription next to it for identification of the
’purge’, ’tank’ and ’air’ connections.
The NAS and ROW EVAP canisters are of similar
appearance, but use charcoal of different consistency.
The ROW vehicles use granular charcoal of 11 bwc
(butane working capacity) and NAS vehicles use
pelletised charcoal with a higher absorption capacity
of 15 bwc. All canisters are of rectangular shape and
have purge foam retention.
The vent line from the fuel tank to the EVAP canister
connects to the vent port on the canister by means of
a straight quick-fit connector. The vent line terminates
in a quick-fit connector at the fuel filler.
The nylon pipe to atmosphere connects to a port on
the EVAP canister via a short rubber hose secured
with metal band clips. The atmosphere end of the pipe
terminates in a quick-fit connector to the pipe leading
to the CVS unit on NAS vehicles and a snorkel tube
situated behind the engine at the bulkhead on ROW
vehicles. The bore of the nylon breather pipe used on
NAS vehicles is larger than that used on ROW
The purge line from the EVAP canister is connected to
the inlet manifold plenum after the throttle body via a
purge valve and service port. The pipe between the
EVAP canister and the purge valve is routed over the
transmission and into the LH side of the engine bay.
The pipe clips to the purge port on the EVAP canister
by means of an elbowed quick-fit connector and the
connection is covered by a rubber seal which is held
in position on the port stub pipe.
The pipes are clipped at various points along the pipe
runs and tied together with tie straps at suitable points
along the runs.