Range Rover Classic
37. Remove nuts and plain washers securing front
engine mountings to chassis,and lift both engine
mounting bracket assemblies from vehicle.
38. Remove engine to bell housing fixings. Leave
starter motor attached.
39. Raise engine to separate from transmission.
40. Check all connections to engine have been
41. Remove engine.
42. Apply Hylomar to mating faces of bell housing.
Lubricate splines of gearbox primary pinion with
Rocol MV 3.
If automatic transmission, coat the four drive
plate to torque convertor bolts with Loctite 290.
Tighten to
39 Nm.
43. Lower engine and locate with transmission.
If manual transmission locate primary pinion into
clutch and engage bell housing dowels. Fit
engine to bell housing fixings. Tighten to
40 Nm.
If automatic transmission fixings. Tighten to
44. Raise engine, refit front engine mounting
brackets to cylinder block and bell housing.
45. Remove gearbox support and lower engine.
46. Tighten front engine mountings to chassis
fixings. Tighten to
45 Nm.
47. Reverse removal procedure. 1 to 37.