Range Rover Classic
Rear output housing (continued)
13. Lever off the dust shield.
14. Prise the oil seal from the housing and discard
the seal.
15. Remove the circlip retaining the bearing.
16. Drive or press the bearing from the housing.
Discard the bearing.
17. Remove any previous sealant from the housing
joint face.
18. Thoroughly clean all components with a suitable
19. Examine the housing for damage and wear.
Renew as necessary.
Rear output housing - Assemble
20. Drive or press a new bearing into the housing
until the bearing contacts the shoulder.
21. Fit the circlip.
22. Lubricate a new oil seal. Using oil seal replacer
18G1422 fit the seal, lip side leading until it
contacts the circlip.
23. Fit the dust shield.
24. Place the ball bearing in the indent on the output
shaft, fit the speedometer drive gear to the shaft,
secure together with the circlip.
25. Press or drive the output shaft into the housing
until the shoulder of the shaft contacts the
26. Lubricate the oil seal bearing surface of the drive
flange and fit the flange followed by a new
rubber seal. Fit the steel washer and secure the
flange to the shaft using a new nut. Tighten to
the specified torque.
27. Lubricate a new speedometer sleeve oil seal,
press the seal into the top of the sleeve.
28. Fit a new ’O’ ring to the outside of the sleeve,
push the driven gear spindle into the sleeve.
29. Lubricate the ’O’ ring and push the sleeve and
gear assembly into the housing. It may be
necessary to rotate the output shaft to ensure
that the driven gear engages with the drive gear
on the shaft.
30. Apply Dow Corning 732 or a suitable equivalent
silicone sealant to the rear output housing joint
face on the main casing. Evenly spread the
sealant on the face to ensure a good seal.
31. Fit the housing to the main casing and secure
with the six bolts tightened to the specified
Front output housing
- Dismantle and Inspection
Service tools:
18G1422 - Oil seal replacer.
18G1205 - Adjustable flange holding wrench
1. Support the viscous unit and front output
housing in a vice fitted with soft jaws gripping on
the two flats of the viscous unit.
2. Using service tool 18G1205 to restrain the drive
flange, release and remove the nyloc nut and
plain washer securing the drive flange to the
output shaft, withdraw the rubber seal. Discard
the nut and seal.
3. Remove the drive flange from the viscous unit.
Examine the flange for damage or wear
particularly the seal running surface, if the
surface is corroded or a groove has been worn
by the previous seal discard the flange.