Protege ES L4-2.0L DOHC (2001)
Drive Belt: Testing and Inspection
Inspect the drive belt tension or deflection, as necessary.
Drive Belt Deflection Inspection
Note: Inspect the drive belt deflection when the engine is cold or at least 30 min after the engine has stopped.
P/S, P/S + A/C
1. Apply moderate pressure 98 N (10 kgf, 22 lbs) midway between the specified pulleys.
If the deflection is not within the specification, adjust it.
Drive Belt Tension Inspection
Note: Belt tension can be inspected in place of belt deflection. Inspect the drive belt tension when the engine is cold, or at least 30 min after the
engine has been stooped.
1. Using the SST, inspect the belt tension between any two pulleys.
If the tension is not within the specification, adjust it.