skoda Workshop Repair Guides

Skoda Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Identification characters, aggregate assignment, ratios, filling capacities (Roomster) > < Removing and installing ignition coils with power output stages
Identification of the gearbox
Identification of the gearbox
Edition 10.2011; version 5.0
Assignment Fabia II → Chapter
Assignment Roomster → Chapter
Assignment Rapid → Chapter
Location on the gearbox
Identification characters and production date -arrow 1-.
Identification of materials for the gearbox housing -arrow 2-.
Identification characters and production date of the gearbox
 Identification charactersDayMonthManufacturing year (2006)

Additional data depend on the manufacturing.
The gearbox identification characters also appear on the vehicle data stickers.
Identification of materials for the gearbox housing
There is lettering on aluminium gearboxes -arrow--GD TL 023-, or -AlSi9Cu3- or -AlSi6Cu4-.
One can also use the gearbox identification characters to determine whether it is an aluminium or a magnesium gearbox.

Identification characters, aggregate assignment, ratios, filling capacities (Roomster) > < Removing and installing ignition coils with power output stages