Verona L6-2.5L (2005)
Brake Fluid: Service and Repair
Brake Fluid Reservoir Removal
CAUTION: Remove the brake fluid reservoir only when it must be replaced because of damage or leaks.
1. Disconnect the harness connector that is mounted to the top of the brake fluid reservoir.
2. Remove the brake fluid level switch and wire harness. Slide the switch out of the reservoir. It is not necessary to drain the fluid.
3. For vehicles with the manual transaxle, disconnect the clip that secures the clutch hose connection to the master cylinder and move the clip out of
the way.
4. Remove the clutch hose from the master cylinder.
5. Remove the screw that holds the brake fluid reservoir to the master cylinder body.
6. Remove the reservoir from the retaining clamps by gently prying the reservoir upward with a screwed river.