Celica 2WD L4-2.0L (3S-FE) (1988)
Brake Bleeding: Service and Repair
Check the master cylinder reservoir and make sure that it is filled with DOT3 or DOT4 brake fluid.
NOTE: Brake fluid is harmful to painted surfaces. If any should come in contact, wash off immediately.
Bleeding the master cylinder.
a. Using a properly sized flair nut wrench, disconnect the brake lines from the master cylinder.
b. Have an assistant slowly depress the brake pedal and hold it.
c. With the pedal to the floor, cover the master cylinder outputs with your fingers. Then release the brake pedal.
d. Steps (b) and (c) should be repeated three or four times or until brake fluid is pumped out the master cylinder outlets.
HINT: You should not need to bleed the master cylinder unless you have had the master cylinder disassembled or have let the brake fluid reservoir
become empty.
Bleeding the brake lines.
a. Connect a piece of clear vinyl tubing to the brake bleeder screw of the brake cylinder you wish to bleed, the other end of the tubing should go
into a clear container.
b. Have an assistant slowly depress the brake pedal several times and then hold it down.
c. Now open the bleeder screw and watch for a clear stream of brake fluid to come out of the bleeder.
d. Steps (b) and (c) should be repeated until no air comes out of the bleeder screw.
e. Remove the tubing and check that the bleeder screw is closed tightly.
Repeat the above procedure for every wheel.
Check the brake fluid level in the reservoir and add if necessary.