Astra F
Introduction - Overview In accordance with the familiar group system, the Service Instructions are divided into 13 groups; each group is given a letter which is assigned in accordance with the following listing.
Some of the part numbers given in the Service Instructions may not be available in or approved for all countries. The catalogue numbers and part numbers for the necessary sealants, lubricants and locking agents for the work procedures concerned are given in the section "Technical Data". The contents of the Service Instructions represent the current status at the time of publication. Adam Opel AG expressly reserves the right to change the technical details of the vehicles from those given and illustrated in the Service Instructions and also reserves the right to modify the Instructions themselves. Questions which arise from reading the Service Instructions can be answered by General Motors Europe, Aftersales, Adam Opel AG, PKZ 66-06, 65423 Rüsselsheim/Germany. The service operations described consist of a series of steps which correspond to the Labour Time Allowance appraisal in sequence, content and work scope. The group operations are mainly described and illustrated for LHD vehicles. Most of the procedures described are identical for RHD vehicles. Any fundamental differences will be clearly indicated. Special tools are listed in the catalogue "Opel/Vauxhall Special Tools"; other necessary tools, equipment and technical aids in the catalogue "Opel/Vauxhall Workshop Equipment". Also for each assembly, the section "Special Tools" lists the Opel special tools necessary for performance of the work described. Opel special tools are supplied by SPX (Kent-Moore). Special tools can also be ordered from SPX via the online shop.