Astra F
Safety Measures for Pyrotechnic Systems General
• Operations on the pyrotechnical system may only by performed by franchised Opel/Vauxhall dealers and authorised Opel/Vauxhall Service Dealerships and only by trained personnel.
- Driver and passenger airbag - Airbag control unit - Contact unit - Wiring harness, with yellow identification mark - Air bag system telltale
• The handling of pyrotechnical units is subject to varying national legislation which must be observed. • The version with driver's airbag can be recognised from the inscription "Airbag" on the steering wheel. • The version with driver and passenger airbags can be recognised from the inscription "Airbag" above the glove compartment and - with the passenger's door open - from the warning sticker on the side of the instrument panel. If there is no sticker at this point, despite the installation of a passenger's airbag, one must be attached. • The subsequent installation of accessories in the airbag's expansion area and the depositing of objects on the passenger airbag cover is not permitted. Consoles for telephones, drinks holders, cassette storage racks, additional mirrors etc which are not approved by Opel/Vauxhall may be torn off and hurled out on the triggering of the airbag - risk of injury!
General (continued)
• The sale of pyrotechnic units third parties not permitted. • The pyrotechnical system components must not be opened using excessive force or modified - risk of injury! • The pyrotechnic units are sensitive to impact. If they fall from a height of more than 50 cm, they must not be re-installed. • The airbag units as well as the control unit must not be exposed to a temperature higher than 80 ° Celsius even for a short period. • Always disconnect ground cable from battery when performing welding operations on vehicle. Always attach the ground terminal of welding equipment directly to welding point. When welding in the immediate vicinity of the control unit, disconnect the wiring harness plug or remove the control unit.
Transport and Storage
• The procurement, transport and storage of pyrotechnic units may only be performed by trained staff at an Opel/Vauxhall dealership or an authorised Opel/Vauxhall service operation in accordance with the safety measures. • Pyrotechnic units may only be sent back if one of the following conditions is satisfied: - In the case of vehicles which have been in an accident and will not be repaired, if their pyrotechnic units have not been triggered, first of all an attempt should be made to trigger the units in the vehicle using suitable special tools in accordance with the description in the Service Instructions. Only if they are not successfully triggered, should these units should be returned as non-triggerable pyrotechnic units. The local disposal of untriggered pyrotechnic units is not permitted. - Faulty deliveries - Electrical defect (e.g. determined during tests with the diagnostic tester). - Electromechanical defect (e.g. locking lugs or housing damaged on the wiring harness plug). - Mechanical damage (e.g. when a pyrotechnic unit has fallen from height of more than 50 cm). - Optical damage (e.g. cover plate scratched or damaged).
Transport and Storage (continued)
• They may only be returned in the original packaging. If it is not available, it should be requested. • The pyrotechnic units may only be sent to the following address - the same address should be used to obtain the original packaging:
• A non-triggered removed pyrotechnic unit must be kept under lock and key in the event of length repair work on a vehicle. It must not be stored with other hazardous good (e.g. paints). The storage are should be marked with the relevant danger symbol and must be equipped with suitable fire fighting equipment. • Ignited pyrotechnic units may be disposed with the remaining refuse.
• Each new pyrotechnical unit and each control unit is accompanied on delivery by a registration card in various languages. The relevant registration card must be completed by the dealer following installation of the pyrotechnical unit or control unit in a vehicle. • There is a sticker on the pyrotechnic units or the control unit containing a barcode and an eleven-position serial number. This sticker should be glued onto the registration card. The serial number (never the fourteen-position number) and the remaining data should be entered on the registration card. The registration card should be returned to Adam Opel AG in the enclosed envelope.
• If the pyrotechnic system is working properly, the airbag telltale should light up when the ignition is switched on go out again after four seconds. If the light does not go out or if it comes on during the journey, there is a problem. • The system may only be tested with the diagnostic tester. Never take measurements on the pyrotechnic units with a test lamp or multimeter in order to avoid unintentional triggering - risk of injury! • The plugged connections for pyrotechnical units and control unit must be disconnected when checking wiring harness using test lamp or multimeter - risk of injury!
Installation and Removal, Replacement
• Before starting work on the pyrotechnic system: - Ignition OFF - Disconnect the ground cable from battery and mask the negative terminal. - Wait 1 minute, capacitor discharges. - Before starting work on the pyrotechnic seat belt tensioner and before the removal of a seat, it is sufficient to switch off the ignition. • During work on the steering (steering mechanism, tie rods, steering column etc), the steering must be in the straight ahead position during dismantling and assembly. • During the dismantling of the steering wheel, the steering column should be locked in the straight ahead position so that the contact unit will not be damaged and installed in the correct position during the later assembly. • A visual inspection of the wiring harness and the wiring harness plug must be carried out, after a pyrotechnical unit has deployed. If charred, the wiring harness is to be replaced. • If the driver and passenger airbags were triggered as the result of an accident, they, the contact unit and the control unit must be replaced by new parts.
• Programming airbag control unit
The control unit must not have any fault code prior to programming, except fault code 52. For safety, the diagnostic tester function "ERASE FAULT CODE" should be called up before programming is begun. No person should be in the vehicle during programming.
Installation and Removal, Replacement (continuation)
• The airbag-equipped steering wheel may only be replaced by a steering wheel approved by Opel/Vauxhall. • The airbag units should also be positioned so that the upholstered side faces upwards. • The impact cushion of the steering wheel and instrument panel padding must not be cemented or otherwise modified. Under no circumstances may cleaning agents (aggressive materials) or grease be used; clean only with a dry or moistened cloth and with a cleaning agent approved by Opel/Vauxhall. • Before installation, check once more that the ground cable is disconnected from the battery, the terminal is masked and the ignition key is in the OFF position. • Re-program volatile memories (e.g., electric window winder, time and date) and decode audio equipment after re-connecting the ground cable to the battery.
Triggering of Pyrotechnic Units in the Vehicle
• Remove all loose objects from the airbag's expansion area. • Place vehicle in open area. • Use only the specified Special Service Tool, "Airbag Deployment Unit" KM-799-B, with suitable adapter for deployment. • Close the doors and the open the front side windows. • Any people likely to be affected should be notified in advance about the noise. • Select a location approx. 10 m in front of the vehicle, this also applies to non-participating people.
• Only connect the voltage source right at the end. • If the triggering attempt fails, disconnect the voltage source and only approach the vehicle after waiting for approx. 5 minutes. • Allow deployed airbag units to cool for 15 minutes before removal - risk of injury!