Astra F
Power-Sounder (Vauxhall only) Before disconnecting the battery's earth cable, the section "Disarming the Power-Sounder" should be noted. Relevant information may also be found on the sticker in the engine compartment. Arming the Power-Sounder: The Power-Sounder is automatically armed 15 seconds after the ignition is switched off. Triggering the alarm: After this, if the earth cable is disconnected from the battery or an alarm triggered by the ATWS alarm control unit, the Power-Sounder issues an acoustic alarm for a period of about 30 seconds. Disarming the Power-Sounder: There are four different methods of disarming:
1 For servicing work on the vehicle, the Power-Sounder must be deactivated as follow: If the battery earth cable is disconnected within 15 seconds of the ignition being switched off, no alarm is triggered. The Power-Sounder remains deactivated until the vehicle's battery is reconnected. 2 If the alarm is triggered by a signal from the ATWS control unit or by disconnecting the battery earth cable alarm, it is automatically reset about a period of 30 seconds. However, the Power-Sounder remains on standby. 3 The acoustic alarm is cancelled if the alarm was triggered by a signal from the ATWS control unit and the signal disappears before the expiry of the alarm time (approx. 30 seconds). 4 By switching on the ignition.