Eos (1F7) V6-32L (BUB) 2008 Maintenance: Jump Starting System Information Specs
Disconnect electrical harness connector - 1 - at suppressor - 4 -.
Remove the bolt - 3 - and remove positive pole pick-up - 2 - with suppressor from retainer.
Install in reverse order.
Tighten all threaded connections to specified torque shown in => [ Jump Start Point Tightening Specifications ] See: Specifications.
Reconnect battery, refer to => [ Disconnecting and Connecting Battery In Engine Compartment ] See: Starting and Charging/Battery/Service and
Repair/Removal and Replacement/Disconnecting and Connecting Battery In Engine Compartment or => [ Disconnecting and Connecting Batteries
In Luggage Compartment ] See: Starting and Charging/Battery/Service and Repair/Removal and Replacement/Disconnecting and Connecting
Batteries In Luggage Compartment.