volkswagen Workshop Repair Guides

Volkswagen Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Vehicle alignment specifications, 4 x 2 and 4 x 4 vehicles > < Vehicle alignment
Running gear
Vehicle alignment
Test prerequisites:
  • ● Measuring equipment correctly adjusted
  • ● Vehicle unladen 1)
  • ● Tyres inflated to correct pressure
  • ● Vehicle accurately aligned, suspension bounced and rocked several times
  • ● Suspension, steering and steering linkage check for excessive play and damage.


  • ◆ Vehicle alignment should not be checked before the vehicle has completed 1000 to 2000 km (600 to 1200 miles) as then the coil springs have had time to settle.
  • ◆ The cause of vehicle imbalance may also be, excessive residual imbalance and/or vertical wheel runout;=> Fault finding; Wheels/tyres.

    1)    Unladened means: the weight of the vehicle ready for the road (fuel tank completely filled, spare wheel, vehicle tools and vehicle jack).

Vehicle alignment specifications, 4 x 2 and 4 x 4 vehicles > < Vehicle alignment