volkswagen Workshop Repair Guides

Volkswagen Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Clutch, control > < Golf 2009 ?
CapacityDual clutch gearbox 02E
Initial filling in factory6.9 l to 7.2 l
depending on vehicle and date of gearbox construction
Change quantityabout 5.2 l
Change quantity only mechatronic unit removal and installation (gearbox installed)3 - 4 litres
Lubricant: → DSG® oil

Further information in the part number designates the container size.
The oil is available as a genuine part in → Electronics parts catalogue „ETKA“.
CapacityFront bevel box
Initial filling0.9 l
ChangeFilled for life, no change
LubricantGear oil -G 052 145-

Further information in the part number designates the container size.
The oil is available as a genuine part in → Electronics parts catalogue „ETKA“.

Clutch, control > < Golf 2009 ?