XC90 FWD L6-3.2L VIN 96 B6324S2 (2010)

Instrument Panel Control Module: All Technical Service Bulletins
Instruments - False Compass Readings
TIE - Technical Journal
Title Inner rear view mirror, UEM, compass not working
Ref No US19908.3.0 en-GB
Issuer -
Partner 3US7510 Volvo Cars North America
Func Group 8823
Func rear view mirror
Status Released
Status Date 2010-07-09
Issue Date 2010-07-07
Vehicle Type
CSC = Customer symptom code
If using a printed copy of this Retailer Technical Journal, first check for the latest online version.
This RTJ supersedes the version dated 10-09-2009 changes to this document are:
TJ updated with new chassis breaks and new CSC in the header and new text. Please update your files.
DESCRIPTION: A SW bug has been identified in the UEM (Upper Electronic module) compass that may cause the heading indication to freeze or read
incorrectly. The problem may be reported as permanent or intermittent.
PRODUCT MODIFICATION: New UEM software has been developed and introduced into production.
The software was released 09w40
SERVICE: Perform a UEM upgrade, software P/N 30677037 and then a compass calibration.
Refer to VIDA/ Repair tab/cleaning inspection and adjustment/Interior Equipment/Compass,calibration for the next two steps
^ Ensure the correct geographical area is set. This will adjust the compass for magnetic deviations present in different geographical locations.