XC90 FWD L6-3.2L VIN 96 B6324S2 (2010)

Battery: Technical Service Bulletins
Electrical - Lead Acid Battery Handling Precautions
Title Safety Precautions When Working With Lead Acid Batteries
Ref No US24188.1.1 en-GB
Issuer -
Partner 3 US 7510 Volvo Cars North America
Func Group 3110
Func Desc battery
Status Released
Status Date 2011-01-21
Issue Date 2011-01-19
Vehicle Type
Lead acid batteries that are in common use in most automotive applications can be dangerous it net handled properly in the workshop. Charging a Lead
acid battery either from the vehicle's charging system or an external charger will produce Oxygen and Hydrogen gas. Oxygen is formed at the positive
plate and hydrogen at the negative plate. Hydrogen gas when mixed with oxygen in the right concentration will produce an extremely explosive mixture.
Battery explosions can be violent and may cause serious burns from the sulfuric acid mixture contained within the cells if the case bursts.
See TJ24188 attachment. pdf for an example of a battery that has exploded.
All batteries are equipped with ventilation systems to minimize the hydrogen concentration around the battery but there is still a risk of these explosive
gases concentrating around the battery when servicing the vehicle. Therefore if a battery's ventilation system is blocked improperly installed or if the
battery case is cracked there is a possibility that the hydrogen/oxygen mixture may be concentrated around the top of the battery case. It is important to
note that Hydrogen is lighter than air. This mixture can therefore be ignited from the resultant spark of a disconnected battery terminal or any other
ignition source.
To avoid serious injury always observe the following precautions when working around lead acid batteries:
^ ALWAYS wear safety goggles and protective gloves when working around batteries
^ Know where the closest eye station is located in your shop