XC90 FWD L6-3.2L VIN 98 B6324S (2007)

Check the caster angle on both sides.
The correct value is 4.0° ± 1.0°. The caster angle must not vary by more than 0.25° between the left and right-hand sides.
Checking front toe angle
Check that the instruments are calibrated to each other on the front and rear axles. This is very important so that the front toe angle can be adjusted in
relation to the thrust line of the car (geometric driving axis). The thrust line is the line formed when the rear wheel toe angles are divided equally, see
The difference between the symmetry line of the wheels and the thrust line is called the thrust angle. The thrust angle must not deviate by more than a
maximum of 0° ± 0.25° from the symmetry line of the wheels.
Note! The differences in the diagram are heavily exaggerated in order to illustrate the differences.
the symmetry line of the wheels
the thrust line
the thrust angle.
Adjusting front toe angle