XC90 FWD L6-3.2L VIN 98 B6324S (2007)

Note! While bleeding, check that there is sufficient brake fluid in the reservoir. Top up if necessary.
Remove the protective cap from the bleed nipple. Connect the hose from the collection bottle.
Depress the brake pedal a few times. Maintain pressure.
Open the bleed nipple.
Depress the pedal fully. Keep it fully depressed for approximately 5 seconds. Release it again. Repeat this 3-5 times until there are no air bubbles in the
fluid coming out of the hose.
Tighten the bleed nipple.
Remove the hose from the bleed nipple. Install the protective cap.
Continue bleeding the other wheels in the same way in the following order:
Right front wheel, left rear wheel and right rear wheel.
Checking for air in the brake system and for brake fluid leakage
See Brake pipe master cylinder / ABS unit, replacing See: Brakes and Traction Control/Hydraulic System/Brake Hose/Line/Service and Repair/Brake
Pipe Master Cylinder/ABS Unit, Replacing.