TD5 Defender
6. Using sequence shown, remove and discard 22
bolts securing oil pump and stiffener assembly.
7. Remove oil pump and stiffener assembly.
NOTE: Dowel located.
8. Remove and discard ’O’ ring.
9. Clean mating faces of oil pump and stiffener
assembly to main bearing caps and cylinder
10. Fit new ’O’ ring to oil pump housing.
11. Position oil pump and stiffener assembly on to
cylinder block ensuring 2 dowels are correctly
12. Fit new bolts and using sequence shown, tighten
to 13 Nm (10 lbf.ft) .
13. Lubricate a new ’O’ ring with engine oil and fit to
oil pick-up strainer.
14. Fit oil pick-up strainer, apply Loctite 242 to
threads of Torx screws; fit screws and tighten to
10 Nm (7 lbf.ft).