Discovery II
OVERHAUL 12-2-49
Seal - crankshaft - rear - automatic
1. Remove CKP sensor.
V8, REPAIRS, Sensor - crankshaft position
Note: Later engines are fitted with a modified
starter ring gear which incorporates the reluctor
plate, spacer and hub. The modified ring gear
may be fitted as a replacement to early
2. Early engines: Remove 4 bolts securing drive
plate clamp ring and remove ring.
3. Early engines: Remove drive plate from hub.
4. Early engines: Remove 6 Allen bolts securing
hub and starter ring gear, remove hub, starter
ring gear and collect spacer.
Note: On early engines, balance weights are on
engine side of drive plate, replacement drive
plates will have balance weights on torque
converter side of drive plate.
5. Later engines: Remove 4 bolts securing drive
plate clamp ring and remove ring.
6. Later engines: Remove drive plate.
7. Later engines: Remove 6 Allen bolts securing
starter ring gear to crankshaft, remove starter
ring gear.
8. Carefully remove oil seal from cylinder block to
avoid damage to seal location or running
surface on crankshaft.