Discovery II
10. Using tool LRT-41-007, fit new bearing
retaining nut and tighten to 72 Nm (53 lbf.ft).
Do not stake nut at this stage.
CAUTION: Ensure that threads of
replacement nut are 'Patched'.
11. Using feeler gauges, determine clearance
between low range gear and high/low hub:
Clearance = 0.05 to 0.15 mm (0.002 to
0.006 in).
12. If clearance is not as specified, fit a new low
range gear and high/low hub and re-check.
13. Using feeler gauges, determine clearance
between high range gear and high/low hub:
Clearance = 0.05 to 0.15 mm (0.002 to
0.006 in).
14. If clearance is not as specified, fit new high
range gear and high/low hub and re-check.
15. Using a suitable drift, stake collar of nut into
differential shaft recess.
16. Using LRT-51-009, fit new rear bearing track
into main casing.
17. Using a straight edge and feeler gauges, check
that bearing track is recessed 1 mm (0.04 in)
below outer face of main casing.
18. Apply sealant, Part No. STC 4600 to rear
output shaft housing face.
19. Position housing to main casing.