Discovery II
20. Apply sealant, Part No. STC 50552 to bolt
threads fit housing to main case, fit bolts and
tighten by diagonal selection to 45 Nm (33
21. 03 Model Year onwards: Fit high/low selector
fork and spring to high/low selector shaft, fit
retaining clips.
CAUTION: Ensure ends of spring are fully
seated in recess in clips.
22. Position high/low selector shaft and fork to
differential ensuring that fingers of selector fork
are located in selector sleeve.
23. Position differential assembly into main casing
ensuring that splines of rear output shaft are
engaged in differential.
24. Position new differential front bearing track
ensuring that track is seated squarely.
25. Position tool LRT-41-014/3 onto main casing.
26. Screw tool LRT-41-014/4 into tapped hole in
main casing and attach suitable DTI to pillar.
27. Position stylus of gauge to setting block LRT-
41-014/3 and zero gauge.
28. Position stylus onto front bearing outer track
and record reading.
29. Taking care not to disturb bearing, position
stylus on opposite side of bearing track and
record reading.
30. Obtain average of the 2 readings and record