Freelander System Description and Operation
Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV)
1 High pressure (evaporator inlet) servicing
2 Low pressure (evaporator outlet) servicing
3 Thermostatic expansion valve (TXV)
4 Evaporator matrix
5 Evaporator temperature sensor
The sub-cooled liquid refrigerant passes from the outlet of the condenser through a pipe to a thermostatic expansion
valve (TXV) situated at the engine compartment bulkhead. The TXV connects to the evaporator unit mounted inside
the air inlet and blower motor casing in the vehicle cabin.
The thermostatic expansion valve meters the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator, to match the refrigerant flow with
the heat load of the air passing through the evaporator matrix.
The thermostatic expansion valve (block valve) incorporates a restrictor which converts the liquid refrigerant into a
low temperature, low pressure liquid vapour mixture (fine spray). The valve has an internally located temperature
sensing bulb for precise control of superheat. If high temperatures are sensed, the valve opens wider and vice versa.