Freelander System Description and Operation
Rear Brakes
The rear brakes each comprise a hub mounted backplate and drum containing leading and trailing brake shoes when
operated by the foot brake. An adjuster rod is incorporated to automatically adjust the brake shoes to compensate for
wear of the brake linings. Adjustment occurs during operation of the foot brake.
When hydraulic pressure is supplied to the wheel cylinder, the cylinder extends and forces the brake shoes against
the drum.
When a force is supplied to the shoes via the hand brake lever and cables, both brake shoes become leading.
Rear Brake Components
1 Blanking plug
2 Wheel cylinder fixing bolt
3 Backplate
4 Bleed screw cap
5 Bleed screw
6 Wheel cylinder
7 Leading brake shoe
8 Upper shoe return spring
9 Adjuster rod
10 Adjuster lever
11 Anti rattle spring
12 Drum fixing screw
13 Brake drum
14 Hand brake strut
15 Adjuster lever spring
16 Lower shoe return spring
17 Shoe retaining pin spring clip
18 Trailing brake shoe
19 Backplate fixing bolt
20 Shoe retaining pin