LT230Q Transfer Box: Interlock Solenoid Assembly
High/low selector shaft detent
1. Fit detent ball and spring.
2. Apply Loctite 290 to threads of detent plug.
3. Fit and tighten plug then unscrew 2 full turns.
4. Operate high/low selector lever and check that
detent ball can be felt to positively engage and
disengage with grooves in selector shaft; screw
plug in or out until setting is correct.
Interlock solenoid - if fitted
1. Position solenoid in main casing.
2. Apply Hylosil RTV 102 to mating face of
solenoid cover.
3. Fit solenoid cover and Belleville washer, fit
bolts and tighten to 10 Nm (8 lbf.ft).