skoda Workshop Repair Guides

Skoda Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Double clutch - Summary of components (up to 05.11) > < Explanation of the terms used in this workshop manual
Removing and installing the double clutch
Removing and installing the double clutch
Remove the double clutch „old design“ up to 05.11 → Chapter.
Remove the double clutch „new design“ as of 06.11 → Chapter.
Adjust the position of the engaging bearings for clutch „K 1 and K 2“ - „old design“ up to 05.11 → Chapter.
Adjust the position of the engaging bearings for clutch „K 1 and K 2“ - „new design“ as of 06.11 → Chapter.
Install the double clutch - „old design“ up to 05.11 → Chapter.
Install the double clutch „new design“ as of 06.11 → Chapter.
Transporting the gearbox and secure to the assembly support → Chapter.
Short description
Detach the clutch »upwards« when the gearbox is removed. The mechatronics remains on the gearbox.
If a new clutch is installed, the positions of the engaging bearings for „K 1“ and „K 2“ must be determined and adjusted. Then the clutch is pressed onto the drive shaft.
When installing a clutch, »most« of the mechanics press the clutch onto the drive shaft up to the stop. This is not the optimum position of the clutch!
After the installation, the clutch is therefore slightly pulled »upwards« against the circlip.
The clutch is self-adjusting. Vibrations can have a negative effect on the adjusting device. Therefore do not let the clutch fall. Do not let the clutch fall into the gearbox when installing it. Also when the mechatronics is removed, the »removal« of the drifts below the engaging levers can have a negative effect on the adjusting device.
When working on the gearbox, both ventilation caps -arrows- must be detached and must be closed in an oil-tight manner with suitable screw plugs. In case of oil leakage from the mechatronics, the mechatronics must be replaced → Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts. The »new«mechatronics for the gearbox is already precisely filled with oil at the factory. Therefore, it is only possible to fill the mechatronics with oil at the factory.
t  The »new«mechatronics for the gearbox is already precisely filled with oil at the factory.
t  The »removed«mechatronics is sent back with oil (close the ventilation opening with a suitable plug).
t  Pay attention to the ventilation when handling the mechatronics.

Double clutch - Summary of components (up to 05.11) > < Explanation of the terms used in this workshop manual