skoda Workshop Repair Guides

Skoda Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Charging a battery > < Check current drain when charging
Charging battery
Charging battery
t  Battery with colourless or bright yellow magic eye must not be subjected to any test or charge. These batteries must be replaced.
t  The battery plugs must always be securely tightened when charging the battery, measuring the voltage and conducting a test under load to ensure they are really sealed.
t  Do not smoke or use a naked light in rooms in which batteries are being charged. The reason is that a gas is formed by the charging process in the battery and this gas can easily ignite.
t  Frozen batteries must be replaced.
Special tools and workshop equipment required
t  Battery charger e.g. - VAS 5900 -, -VAS 5903-, -VAS 5095A- or -VAS 5901-.
t  Batteries must only be charged with battery chargers recommended by the manufacturer.
t  Carefully read through the operating instructions and observe during the charging before using the battery charger.
t  The battery must be at a temperature of at least 10 °C.

Charging a battery > < Check current drain when charging