vauxhall Workshop Repair Guides

Vauxhall Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Replace wing bracket > < Tailgate spacer, remove+install

Wing, Replace


1.   Detach front panelling
2.   Detach wind protection panelling LUREF_1.gif
3.   Remove bulkhead closing part LUREF_1.gif
4.   Detach wing protective panelling LUREF_1.gif
5.   Remove headlamps
6.   Remove additional indicator lamps LUREF_1.gif
7.   Remove the front panelling side guide rails LUREF_1.gif
8.   Remove wing insulation inside
Object Number: 10678741  Size: DEFAULT

Object Number: 10678740  Size: DEFAULT

9.   Remove edge gap cover on wing top
Note:   When replacing the left wing, secure the bonnet against falling using EN-48375 !
•   Remove bonnet support
•   Unscrew 2x bolts
•   Unscrew nut
•   unclip from filler on A-pillar
•   Remove edge gap cover

Object Number: 10678742  Size: DEFAULT

10.   Remove wing
•   Separate seam on A-pillar bottom (2)
•   Unscrew 8x bolts
Note:   Detach bolt below window on A-pillar (1) using an open-ended wrench from below!


Important:   On wing bracket A-pillar top, turn the flange round!
11.   Remove washer (2) on wing bracket A-pillar top (1) and fit inverted for flange reversal.
Object Number: 10678743  Size: DEFAULT

Important:   Because of the flange reversal, the bolt on wing bracket A-pillar top must be fitted from the inside! The reference gap from wing to front door must be adjusted by alignment if necessary!
12.   Install wing
•   Tighten 9x bolt
Object Number: 10678798  Size: DEFAULT

13.   Adjust wing


Dimensions in mm:

Tolerance in mm.



+/- 1



+/- 1.2



+/- 1

14.   Fit gap cover
•   Insert gap cover
•   clip into filler A-pillar
•   Tighten nut
•   Tighten 2x bolts
•   Install bonnet support
15.   Install wing insulation inside
16.   Install the front panelling side guide rails LUREF_1.gif
17.   Attach additional indicator lamp LUREF_1.gif
18.   Install headlamps
19.   Attach wing protective panelling LUREF_1.gif
20.   Attach bulkhead closing part LUREF_1.gif
21.   Install wind protection panelling LUREF_1.gif
22.   Attach front panelling

Replace wing bracket > < Tailgate spacer, remove+install