XC90 FWD L6-3.2L VIN 96 B6324S2 (2010)

CSC = Customer Symptom code
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The EFF function can be an aid in fault tracing intermittent CAN network problems by providing a visible indication of error frames that are being
transmitted on the network when the fault becomes active. Error frames will be transmitted when there is a critical fault in the network or network wiring
such as open circuits i.e. terminal/connector problems broken wiring short circuits i.e. chaffed/pinched wiring and defective nodes i.e. "babbling" nodes.
The advantage of using the EFF function is that error frames are usually transmitted on the network before a vehicle symptom can occur. Hence if the
fault is very intermittent in nature it may be possible for example to induce the wiring fault for a short duration by manipulating the vehicle harnesses and
connectors. The electrical fault will occur and be detected by the EFF without ever having a vehicle symptom appear.