XC90 FWD L6-3.2L VIN 96 B6324S2 (2010)

Navigation Module: All Technical Service Bulletins
Navigation System - Map Won't Show Entrance Ramps
TIE - Technical Journal
Title: MMM+, TMC message is not shown for slip road.
Ref No: US22398.3.0 en-GB
Issuer: -
Partner: 3 US 7510 Volvo Cars North America
Func Group: 3972
Func desc: road navigation
Status: Released
Status Date: 2010-06-30
Issue Date: 2010-06-24
Vehicle Type
CSC = Customer Symptom Code
DTC = Diagnostic Trouble Code
RDS = Radio data system,
TMC = Traffic message channel
MMM = Multi Media Module
If using a printed copy of this Retailer Technical Journal, first check for the latest online version.
When receiving a TMC message, concerning a entrance ramp, customers may report that the TMC symbol and the extension on the map display , will
show on the main road instead of the entrance ramp. If the entrance ramp is closed, according to the TMC message, the MMM+ will still guide through
the closed road. This is because there is no location code assigned to entrance ramps.