XC90 FWD L6-3.2L VIN 96 B6324S2 (2010)

The TMC symbol and extension are not possible to display on the entrance ramp, they are therefore displayed on the main road instead. This is
according to RDS-TMC specification.
Please see attached file for reference.
PRODUCT MODIFICATION: A new SW has been developed that handles TMC messages regarding entrance ramps correctly. The new software is
available on the latest service disc. The new software is also included in the latest map release and it has been introduced into production from structure
week 2010w22.
SERVICE: Do not replace any parts, this is a SW problem. Update the unit with the latest service disc P/N 31328472 to correct the fault. The unit will
be updated to software version 1630/2400.
39725-2 Software road traffic information module (RTI) upgrade
Claims may be submitted under the new car warranty when there is a documented customer complaint using claim type: 01
- Labor times are valid at the time of release and are subject to change.
Cars of North America