XC90 FWD L6-3.2L VIN 96 B6324S2 (2010)

If using a printed copy of this Retailer Technical Journal, first check for the latest online version.
respectively. RTJ 19468 is for parts information and this information can be found in VIDA as well as in this RTJ. RTJ 19316 is no longer valid and
the new information can be found in VIDA as well as in this RTJ. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR FILES.
The purpose of this RTJ is to update the information concerning the criteria to switch off the low tire pressure message and give some additional basic
information about the TPMS system and thereby help in fault tracing in order to take the right corrective actions.
TPMS description:
TPMS is a monitoring system for the driver to keep the right tire pressure in the tires. The sensors begin transmitting the signals to the Upper Electronic
Module (UEM) when the vehicle's speed is higher than 40 km/h (25mph).
The driver will get a message in the Driver Information Module (DIM) if the tire pressure drops a certain percentage from the recommended tire
pressure. Recommended tire pressure is present in the owner's manual and in the fuel filler lid (model specific).
If vehicles with TPMS are driven with the "comfort pressure" set there will be unnecessary tire pressure warnings to the driver (in the DIM) in cold
weather conditions. Volvo does not recommend using comfort pressures due to the sensitivity of TPMS.
Criteria to switch on the low tire pressure message:
The tire pressure has dropped more that 22% of the recommended pressure see the Table 1 in the attached document.
Criteria to switch off the low tire pressure message:
The tire pressure must the filled up at least to 95% of the recommended pressure AND then the vehicle needs to be driven for 5 minutes at a speed
higher than 40 km/h (25mph).
Fill the pressure to at least 95% of the recommended pressure with ignition on.
Fault tracing:
Fault trace according to VIDA by using CSC LI this will guide you to a smart tool that will help you to find the faulty sensor.
Use Diagnostic/reference information/UEM and the stored DTC in VIDA.