XC90 FWD L6-3.2L VIN 96 B6324S2 (2010)

5. The image shows the cover for the XC70, engine B6324S.
Replace the 0-ring on the piston. Install 0-rings on the cover.
6. The image shows covers for other models and engines with TF-80 transmissions. Replace the 0-ring on the piston. Install 0-rings on the cover.
7. Check the locking ring groove for burrs that can damage the 0-rings. It burrs are present, remove them using tine emery cloth.
Clean the cylinder thoroughly.
8. Reinstall the new cover in reverse order.
9. Fill with transmission fluid according to VIDA:
Cleaning Inspection and Adjustment Power transmission Transmission Automatic, transmission (hydromechanical) Transmission oil level - checking
Adapting the transmission
10. Connect VIDA to the vehicle.
Control module adaptation
"Resetting of adaption" does not need to be carried out unless the shift quality is not okay after the repair.
Start the engine and allow it to idle.
Activate Adaption mode. Ignore the instruction to warm the transmission up first. When "Adaption Mode" had been activated, the message
"Operation done" appears in the grey window in VIDA.
Note! Do not turn off the engine.
Disconnect the VIDA station and carry out a road test according to the description below.
The message "Transmission oil temperature too high" or "Adaption Mode" will not appear and the general warning lamp will not illuminate until the
oil reaches a temperature of 66°C (150.8°F).
Checking the transmission function
11. Start the road test immediately without turning off the engine. Accelerate smoothly, even when the transmission is cold.
Shift from 1st and up though all gears at different engine speeds until the quality of the gear shift is satisfactory. This may be difficult in the
beginning, because air will have entered the system during the repair.
When the transmission temperature reaches 66°C (150.8°F), the warning triangle in the combined instrument panel will light each time an
"approved" shift is made.
Check the oil level and that there are no oil leaks.