skoda Workshop Repair Guides

Skoda Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Eliminating paint damage > < Glued windows|Glueing
Waiting time
Waiting time
t  Waiting time: From fitting of the window until the vehicle is put into service.
t  The vehicle must stand on a flat surface during the waiting period at an ambient temperature above 15°C.
t  A higher temperature and a greater relative humidity shorten the waiting time for the glue sealing compound to harden.
Window typeAdhesiveWaiting time
Windscreen-DH 009 100-16 hours
-DA 004 600 A2-3 hours
Rear window-DH 009 100-4 hours
-DA 004 600 A2-3 hours
Side window-DH 009 100-4 hours
-DA 004 600 A2-3 hours

The vehicle is only safe for driving after the waiting time has expired.

Eliminating paint damage > < Glued windows|Glueing