Freelander Service Procedures
12-3-96 OVERHAUL
12. Check end-float of camshafts using a DTI.
CAUTION: If camshaft end-float exceeds
limits given, repeat check with new
camshaft(s). If end-float is still excessive,
replace cylinder head and camshaft carrier
as an assembly.
13. Using sequence shown, progressively loosen
22 bolts securing camshaft carrier to cylinder
head until valve spring pressure is released
and remove bolts.
14. Remove camshaft carrier.
15. Remove camshafts and discard oil seals.
Note: Inlet camshafts are colour coded orange,
exhaust camshafts
16. Using a stick magnet, remove 12 hydraulic
tappets from cylinder head.
CAUTION: Store hydraulic tappets in their
fitted order and store upright. Maintain
absolute cleanliness when handling
hydraulic tappets. Failure to observe these
precautions can result in engine failure.
17. Measure the outside diameter of hydraulic
Note: Measurement must be taken half-way
along tappet body.
18. Using LRT-12-034, and adapter LRT-12-034/1,
compress valve spring, remove 2 collets,
release valve spring and remove LRT-12-034.
19. Remove valve spring cap and valve spring.
20. Remove valve from cylinder head.