Freelander Service Procedures
OVERHAUL 12-3-109
13. Using a socket on crankshaft pulley bolt, rotate
crankshaft in a clockwise direction and align the
engine "SAFE" position - notch on crankshaft
pulley aligned to the "ARROW" on front
mounting plate. Check that the timing marks on
the rear camshaft gears are aligned as
CAUTION: Do not use the camshaft gear
bolts or timing belts to rotate the
crankshaft. Do not use the arrow on the oil
pump body as a timing reference.
14. Insert timing pin LRT-12-232 through hole
immediately adjacent to side of lower
crankcase ensuring that pin is located in hole in
drive plate.
15. Remove 3 bolts securing camshaft timing belt
LH front cover and remove cover.
16. Remove 3 bolts securing camshaft timing belt
RH front cover and remove cover.
17. Remove bolt securing dipstick tube to cylinder
18. Depress locking collar, release and remove
dipstick tube from engine sump.
M12 7927
M12 6672